Monday, October 11, 2010

A Guide to the Treatment For Strabismus

The treatment for strabismus seeks to achieve three main aims. First and foremost is to preserve the correct eye vision, as it becomes distorted when the eyes cannot focus on a single spot. The second aim of the treatment is for cosmetic reasons, since strabismus makes the eye turn involuntarily which is not exactly a sight to look at. The third objective of treatment of strabismus is to reacquire binocular vision, or the simultaneous usage of both eyes, because the condition can be a reason for double vision. The treatment for strabismus differs based on the kind of condition.

The first option for the treatment of strabismus is the minimally invasive procedures. This utilizes eyeglasses as well as corrective eye patches.

Eyeglasses can aid in treating strabismus as it makes the eye muscles of the patient develop. On the other hand, an eye patch is used to cover the good eye, which forces the lazy eye to work alone and therefore harder, making it stronger in the process, so that both eyes becomes coordinated when used simultaneously. However, this kind of treatment can only be effective on low-grade strabismus, or congenital strabismus.

Another option for the treatment for strabismus is surgery that is usually combined with orthoptics or vision therapy. The surgery requires making a small incision in the tissue covering the eye, making the underlying eye muscles accessible. The eye muscles are then tweaked depending on the direction of the turning eye. There are times when both eyes have to be operated.

Subsequent to surgery, vision therapy or orthoptics is utilized to complement the procedure. Even though the eyes look fixed after the surgical procedure, the patient still needs to relearn how to utilize both eyes concurrently, so that the surgery isn’t for cosmetic purposes only. Aside from the eye muscle strength, neurological control is also focused upon to modify the nervous system as well, thereby promoting a holistic and lasting cure. Vision therapy typically involves the use of various optical devices like specialized computers, as well as therapeutic lenses, prisms, and filters.

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