The long chain of fatty acids in omega 3 is known as DHA omega 3 or Docosahexaenoic Acid. Omega 3 is a group of essential fatty acids that the human body cannot synthesize. DHA, EPA and ALA are the three main forms of omega 3.
Many believe that EPA and DHA are the most important forms of omega 3. They are generally derived from fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, herring and others. ALA, on the other hand, is derived from plants.
Since there are only a few food sources that contain this complex fatty acid, DHA omega 3 is not easy to include in the daily diet. There are other forms of omega 3 in the human body, but they are inadequately converted to DHA. Plant-derived fatty acids are not taken up directly into the cell membranes in contrast to DHA omega 3.
Getting DHA fatty acids from food sources can help them improve the supply of DHA in the body. Others choose to take supplements to boost the increase of DHA in the body. Fish and fish oils are high in DHA fatty acids, which is why many supplements are derived from fish oils instead of plant and other natural sources.
The human brain is 50% fat and DHA omega 3 represents 30% of brain matter. In the body, the retina is the part that has the highest concentration of omega 3. Omega 3 can also be found in breast milk, which in turn provides newborn infants nutrition for their nerve, eye tissue and brain development.
The links between well-known health conditions and DHA have been identified through research. Many behavioral and medical conditions in the west seem to be linked to the declining consumption of omega 3-rich foods. And since the human body cannot properly synthesize omega 3, food and supplements are the next best resources to obtain this fatty acid. The body's DHA level will drop if you will not consume omega 3 foods.
Food sources and fish oils can supplement the DHA omega 3 deficiency in the human body. You can provide the necessary requirement of your body by eating DHA-rich foods and taking a regular dose of supplement. Adequate amounts of DHA fatty acids can help boost your health. It is advisable to ask your doctor for advice and options, as well as the possible effects if you are thinking of taking supplements.