Saturday, July 2, 2011

Introduction To Chronic Pain Management Methods

Due to some underlying health condition, many people experience chronic pain symptoms. Chronic pain often lasts for six months or more which can be debilitating for an individual. In many cases,it impedes the normal life of a person;hence,the need for effective chronic pain management is a priority for most people. Annually,billions of dollars are devoted to research on chronic pain management;the purpose of such endeavors is to come up with more potent drugs that can help patients.

Even specialists cannot just issue any prescription for chronic pain brought by common ailments;in fact,they need to properly assess the patient. Prescribing pain relievers is usually the first step to alleviate the symptoms experienced by the patients, but they do not treat the underlying cause. Various types of chronic pain management approach are available since there are also numerous kinds of diseases that can cause pain. Here is a brief description of various types of chronic pain management strategies that doctors use:

1. Medicines. Indeed, drugs are often the front line approach to chronic pain management. Usually, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are given to patients so they can cope with the pain. Intolerance to NSAIDs have increased through the years as more people feel side-effects. Some of the adverse side-effects would include gastrointestinal disorders like diarrhea or hyperacidity.

2. Stimulation Techniques. These are typically known as transcutaneous electrical stimulation techniques (TENS) commonly utilized by physical therapists for chronic pain management. Joint and muscle pains seem to respond well to such approach but it only provides temporary relief. Acupuncture is also sought by some patients especially those who avoid western medications. The literature on this approach seems inadequate to endorse it as therapeutic;however, it has helped relieve pain in many individuals.

3. Surgery. Definitely the last intervention that must be administered when other chronic pain management approaches have failed. This option entails a lot of expenses as well as risks like complications. This is also the most invasive approach that needs thorough evaluation from a specialist.

4.Physiotheraphy. This technique involves physical manipulation which can be safely performed by physical therapists or chiropractors.The techniques may vary such as deep-tissue massage or even basic stretching movements.

It is a requirement for patients undergoing this treatment to attend the sessions regularly to maximize results.

Chronic pain management offers several avenues that could help people cope with pain;however,a doctor's advice is fundamental.

By Daily Health Tips

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