Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Drug Testing Policy Implementation

Any company should review all the factors that must be considered before implementing a drug testing policy. Drug and alcohol policies vary widely. Employee manuals provided by the company contain simple or complicated provisions relating to drug testing during pre-employment and post-employment stages.

Many employers utilize drug testing to ensure that their workplace is drug-free. The law does not require employers from making their employees to undergo drug testing but they still want to enforce such policy to guarantee that the workplace is safe and conducive to production. It is important for a company to draft a drug testing policy while considering various legal issues.

An example of a simple drug policy can be written like this. The company’s policy is not to employ the services of people who take illegal drugs or people who consume liquor than the standard consumption. The Company shall have the right to require an employee to submit to drug testing as a continuing condition of their employment as the Company deems necessary the safe and efficient operation of its program. Anyone who refuse to undergo such drug testing or test positive for substance abuse may be suspended from duty pending investigation and may be subject to sanctions as provided by the company handbook.

In crafting a drug testing policy, employers must ensure that the policy suits your employee’s line of work. Employers should tailor their policies to suit the dangers that drugs and alcohol pose. Employers should state in their policy the detailed descriptions and enumerations of what is prohibited. It must state what are the types of situation is prohibited, the types of drugs that are not allowed and the appropriate grade of alcohol consumption when coming to work.

It is important to know that a drug testing policy coincides with a reputable drug testing facility. This would make sure that the results wouldn’t be challenged.

This also ensures employee privacy rights when they provide the sample because there would be no confidentiality breach.

Finally, it is important that a drug testing policy is clearly written and understood by employees, and they should affix their signature stating this. This would aid the company to fight against harassment suits arising from the tests.

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