Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Peanut Allergy - Things You Need To Know

Peanut allergy is one of the types of allergies that you need to take into consideration seriously. While other allergies can just trigger usual symptoms like itching, sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, swelling hands or feet, peanut allergy can lead to sudden death. Peanut allergy can cause unconsciousness to the sufferer that can lead to death. Also, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, peanut allergy is the main culprit behind food-related deaths. There are lots of incidents where the kitchen staff ignored the request to never include peanuts in meals that lead to fatal results. The person with peanut allergy goes anaphylactic and without epinephrine in a few minutes could lead to death. For you to protect the people close to you who have peanut allergy, then you have to understand what it is.

Peanut allergy can start as early as childhood and even during babyhood. For this reason, parents must be aware of symptoms for peanut allergy when their children are still young. Although it is believed that kids eventually outgrow this kind of allergy, it can still lead to serious consequences when ignored. There have also been studies mentioned in Wisegeek that peanut allergy among children surfaces since they have relatives with allergies too. In short, it could be hereditary so check for health status of relatives.

Peanut allergy can be triggered by simply eating peanuts or food with peanuts such as marzipans, energy bars, baked goods, ice cream and frozen desserts, grain breads and dishes that are Oriental, African or Mexican. According to the Mayo Clinic website, a person with peanut allergy has symptoms such as shortness of breath, tightening of the chest, and could eventually fall unconscious. Anaphylactic shock can also ensue and this is indicated by dizziness, rapid pulse and constriction of airways which needs urgent medical attention. A first-aid treatment known as Epinephrine is used when symptoms manifest itself. Most likely, going to the nearest hospital is the best recourse.

Peanut allergy is not actually an impairment, it is an ailment that can be avoided by not consuming food with peanuts and being prepared for an allergic reaction anytime.

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