Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diarrhea and Pregnancy: Excreting from the Body

Constipation occurs during certain stages of pregnancy. However, a little known fact to many is that diarrhea and pregnancy are related. Pregnant women also suffer diarrhea during their term and if left untreated, it can pose as a serious threat to their life. It is important to pay attention to this symptom even if it is not as prevalent as the other ailments that accompany pregnancy such as morning sickness, heartburn and constipation.

You may inquire what are the common causes of diarrhea during pregnancy. Lactose Intolerance is one of the most common culprits of diarrhea in pregnancy. There is constant increase of intake of milk for pregnant mothers. Another factor that causes diarrhea may be hormonal changes and sensitivities to specific foods. Women who have existing gastrointestinal problems before they become pregnant are prone to episodes of chronic diarrhea. It's fortunate that diarrhea and pregnancy occurs for at least 2 to 3 days so there is no cause of concern.

Understanding diarrhea and pregnancy: The best way to avoid diarrhea during pregnancy is by being aware of the situation. It is essential to know something about this subject in case the doctor is out of reach. It is also a great aid to comprehend that pregnancy and diarrhea does not always come together so this can help you in your diet. You should consume foods and drinks that have high fiber content. One way of doing this is the intake of pro-biotics that have enzymes that will help your digestive system work properly. As surprising at it may seem, stress, diarrhea and pregnancy are connected. Stress can cause diarrhea to pregnant women, so try to keep your stress level low by relaxing and taking some time out from work. You can reduce stress by getting adequate sleep, and intake of lots of fluids. Exercising should be moderate because too much of it may lead to dehydration.

Diarrhea and pregnancy are sensitive conditions so it is safe to consult a doctor when it happens. Once a person is dehydrated, then immediate medical intervention is needed.

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