Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Forensic Nursing

In this era where all things forensic are becoming increasingly popular, it does not come as a surprise that forensic nursing, as creepy as it may sound at first, is also becoming popular among aspiring nurses and those already in the field.

Although at first, forensic nursing sounds like having to do with dead people, further research in to the subject make us realize that it is not the case. Lets face it, in the good old days, nursing did not have fancy tags or disciplines attached to them. But in the modern age, it is impossible to have someone take a job title as a nurse without forcing that someone to specialize in a field. Therefore, what used to be general nursing for centuries have now finally taken that long turn to becoming specialized nursing.

As far as forensic nursing is concerned, the job’s roles and responsibilities include visiting sites of crime, collecting evidence, treating victims of crime, investigate abuse and also, provide expert testimony in court. Some forensic nursing graduates opt in to work for the coroner’s office or with crime detection units of the State’s Law Enforcement agencies. Although the diversity of the job in the field of forensic nursing may not be that wide, the opportunities as well as the exposure that one may gain by getting in to forensic nursing, will be massive.

If you have always dreamt on becoming a nurse with a forensic background, or if you are aspiring to explore forensic nursing, there are a few things you will need to do.
First of all, enroll in classes that will help you get in to nursing school. So this means you will need to do a lot of medicine oriented classes at high school level. Biology, chemistry and anatomy will be the most essential. Know that you will need to study at an accredited nursing school to be considered for your license with the state department. So chose your college wisely.

Once you are a registered nurse and have completed your basic degree, you should opt in for a master’s program in forensic nursing. This will give you enough room and space to choose a specialty that you truly want. And since you will be matured by the time you enter a master’s program, you will know for sure if forensic nursing is what you really want. If you are ever in doubt about forensic nursing or have questions that you’d like answered, simply contact the board of nursing in your State.

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