For some people, they would rather talk about anything else other than diarrhea and the stigma it brings. Most people who are afflicted want to seek quick treatments and medications. Yet they never realize that they can prevent diarrhea by having a healthy diet. Your frequent visits to the rest room to discharge watery stools would be greatly lessened if you switch to a healthy diarrhea diet. It is important that you are aware of what you are eating considering diarrhea causes severe dehydration. It can be prevented by taking special care and by doing the following:
Try to drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of fluid daily. As soon as the stools become loose, drink fluids immediately to prevent dehydration. It does not necessarily need to be water. You should consume other liquids besides water so you can replace all the necessary nutrients and replenish the lost fluids and electrolytes. Water, juices, ginger ale, broth or soups, weak tea, Gatorade Jello are perfect sources of fluid.
If your diarrhea lasts more than 2 days, consult your doctor immediately. Two things are possible here, it is either you are manifesting a serious condition or it is an effect of an infection due to something you consumed. The most common reason is the latter; it is due to the food that they just ate. Every diarrhea diet may be unique for certain individuals so it is better to try a few recommendations at a time. You would lessen the anxiety about diarrhea and at the same time you can be selective in what you eat.
First of all, do not drink or eat foods that contain caffeine like strong tea, coffee, and soft drinks. In some cases, dairy/milk products like milk, cheese, and ice cream can worsen and prolong your diarrhea. You should limit or avoid these products until your condition improves. It is advisable to stay away from spicy, fatty and greasy foods as well.
You should control your fiber intake for your diarrhea diet. Fiber can be found in the following foods, vegetables, nuts, whole grain cereals and breads. If your diarrhea continues, switch to other low fiber diarrhea diet.
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